Frequently Asked Questions
How to download video Tiktok no watermark?
- 1
Open TikTok app on your phone/or Web on your browser.
- 2
Choose whatever video you want to download.
- 3
Click to the Share button at the right bottom.
- 4
Click the Copy Link button.
- 5
Download by using your browsers: I want to keep things simple for you. No need to download or install any software. I make an application for this purpose as well but you can only install whenever you like.
- 6
Go back to this App and paste your download link to the field above then click to the Download button.
- 7
Wait for our server to do its job and then, save the video to your device.
How to get the TikTok video download link?
- 1
Open your TikTok application
- 2
Choose the TikTok video that you want to download
- 3
Click Share and at the Share options, find Copy Link button
- 4
Your download URL is ready on the clipboard.
For example, the link would look like this or or
Do I need to install instructions or extensions?
No. I try to keep things easy for our users. All you need is your TikTok download video links. That's it.
Do I have to pay to Tiktok Downloader without watermark?
No, you don't have to pay for anything because our software is always free. You can support us by turning off your Ad Blocks or making donations. It supports our further development.
Is there a limit to download Tiktok videos at Tảitiktok?
No, you can download many of your favorite TikTok videos at Tảitiktok with no download limit.
Can I download high resolution TikTok videos at Tảitiktok?
Yes, Tảitiktok is the TikTok video downloader that provides the highest resolution for you. If we find a Full HD or higher resolution of a Tiktok video, we will immediately show a high quality Download link and you can download it.
Can I edit TikTok videos downloaded at Tảitiktok?
No, Tảitiktok is just a TikTok video downloader, not supporting video editing. Use specialized video editing software on your phone or PC